Key Projects


Requirement: Global Wireless Upgrade, to Cisco and Aruba Kit timescale 1 year, 50 million contract

Task: Manage a team of Engineers, 3 in UK, 3 in America and 3 in Asia to upgade the wireless capability of 120 sites in Europe, America and Asia.
Install new hardware; Switches, Wireless APs and Controllers and any cabling/fibre or data cabinets.


The key to this project was intensive planning and good communication.
1. All due diligence had to be completed remotely with pictures and examined in detail
2. All sites across the world had to be worked with to collate all the data and organise installs
3. Accurate designs were created to communicate with all the teams involved
4. All installs were scheduled using a “follow the sun model” i.e. Team 1 UK install phase 1 and Team 2 US follow behind with phase 2 – complete install and troubleshoot.